Sunday, March 29, 2015

Profile: Matthew Haws

Hello! My name is Matthew Haws and I am from Hampden, Maine. I am a second year Chemical Engineering student at the University of Maine and I have accepted a co-op position over the summer at Woodland Pulp/St Croix Tissue in Baileyville, Maine. I am eager to learn more about the paper industry and look forward to the experiences that this summer will bring.

Thank you to all of the people that have helped make the TREE trip possible. I am looking forward to touring the facilities in Germany and Austria to gain perspective of the industry overseas and gain a more widespread understanding of the paper industry. It is a great opportunity for all of us involved to experience the European culture and process of producing paper.

In my free time I enjoy riding bikes, fishing, hiking and playing with my dog. In the winter I spend a lot of time playing pond hockey and on occasion I go skiing

Once again, thank you to everyone involved to make the trip possible!

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